Agapa Firks

Village chief of Firks's Serebko, Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Firks's Mednyak and Firksland, Member of the academy of Veritatis, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Diamond Mines Society

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Armorial Hamlet of Firksland

Hamlet of Firksland

Hamlet of Firksland

Founded on 1724419988
County of Edigrad, Mantolas

Area: 1,294 acres (2 mi²).

Population: 121 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Agapa Firks: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Firks.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Firksland

9 660.32

Sphere: territorial

NjY1OJmepYmhpoV2n693iHiRiZZmo6WHnKeripqfd4irnYmDaaCLi26epHifsZiWmpOKgY2thHZn nHeId8HFn42ht3aatLPD1ZGEl6HbxLdanrmHnqaqgo2jlpLPzcKyWp6CmZ7e3saNo7V2mrSno7SR h5VanoK7lt+YhZjT68HJ3La2zJGEganUt3hnnNfC1c/cv42ggsDOkYSBe9XEvqjY1MHMnJiDnJ+C g6Chh4hao5V4bK+YiqufqoOcooOKoaSKdmyvg4pnoKeEoaeriY2llXatnneJZZGThVqeo3idsMij tJOFlY2emLKn2XeFe9jixcyTpZecpIqImZGHlXbTs8OWkaWDrtflvNuTh5ONnpimh7h3iHmRpYPQ z+Z2mp7Cw9fPvrKe2be3Wp6ju83g5rbU1HeDmLSzvqHRxnhnnNa70dPZdpqewbeNnoJ2aq6npYGR ppeNoLmy2tt3g67bxLhanpiKaaWjiI2jt5fR4L3E1M3AtVqhlHhnssiltJOolZaThIU=
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