Horace Wild

Lord of Osterrock, Steward of Black Dagger Bay and Avenor, Priest of Osterrock, Officer of the Order of Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Believers, Blessed, Builders, Cartographers and Mines, Member of the Horse Breeders Society

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Armorial Parish of Osterrock

Parish of Osterrock

Parish of Osterrock

Founded on 1724420266
Duchy of Leviathan's Reach, Terra Borealis

Population: 3,365 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Horace Wild: Priest.

In the same territory: Lordship of Osterrock.

Trade route with: Leviathan's Reach, Caimalot, Avenor.

Quality label: Saddle horses, since: 1722954360.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Osterrock

1 356.30

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 4901 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NjQ2NHplg4N+a3twgLJugnmUgHdnpoNofWeBfX9rboKMoIB9aqN7ZGilh1mAeHaQe1qBe26we3Bo n25peMSjgG5olXB7e6q9tpR7kaLeu5hboZdofWmHgG5qjZO44aqum5R7ZI3YvZhuapNwe3uenZWU fo9boXmcl+J2Znmlw7qsoaq0ttStcGifsZ2j4ragr1qDe5mnsrC84259Zt6vWWifdmmLiqOXbmiN cHu1qr2jlHt6peG4WXt7iH+CZYBwfrOYvqrUu6al0rxZfnd2fY+Km5dupI15W6F9
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