Isabella Glass

Priestess of Glass River and Kals Cove, Village chief of Glass River and Kals Cove, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and War Cross

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Armorial Parish of Glass River

Parish of Glass River

Parish of Glass River

Founded on 1725126678
Terra Borealis

Population: 538 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Isabella Glass: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Glass River.

Quality label: Slate, since: 1723347326.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Glass River


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 817 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDExNaSGlZuqiqOOqneWoHhZqKhma5SapIiYn6qOlqC2ZaibamWjm2trmoqqmYeupXupmZh1o45n ZJaad4m0sZiJpo6lnNLb4Fmjr6Gj48laZqiZqoaSopiLtbLmldPOoaDSimdkqdHUydWOqJiWm7mJ w7VaabWKZ2TKxuZ7lJnjyODM35Xa1pqYlpdlnMfX5rvOz5iIobnlndbcqZnk2FpmktTZe5SZmIuz vsWAlpx5WaOrlqbPiqWc0dvae6OvqmmioGlZpql8oMPY5nuUmcW/587lWaarWma3uoeAh5q3hIeb pw==
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