Bardin Knott

Hamlet chief of Knottland, Knight of the Order of Merit

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Armorial Hamlet of Knottland

Hamlet of Knottland

Hamlet of Knottland

Founded on 1725486177
County of Fairfax, Bishopric of Nouvelle Garlande, Terra Borealis

Area: 342 acres (0.5 mi²).

Population: 32 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Bardin Knott: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Knott.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Knottland

1 188.45

Sphere: territorial

NzU2Nn+TmmmGmKdahXeZbK9Zq3ida5lqgpudZoWamWyRZatnoWisa51rnlqFpox6gIisZXN1plqe ZJlqrom5gXOWq1qAqdWnu1mme9ij5pmRZq1phZqYZXOYuHevptie2lmmZbei1qnCiJx3c5W6iqCA mWqwWaZl1JXaWoCT16e9xuCWt6HZmZFmpJ3VodqausmMZ36r1aK6mehanmTXndWZzVqAk9abc5Wk WoN2yYe4Wad5kWatlsDQjGeU0uacc2a6bKFnpGiRaauAvNLbqbrE4plzabZannrJh7hZnHl8iJlp
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