Elvire Carter

Grand cross of the Order of Builders, President of the Union of Sculptors, Lady mayoress of Pike, Mayoress of Iscandar, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Merit and Denar, Hamlet chief of Carterland, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Hunters, Member of the Union of Architects, Founders and Carters, Member of the Bell Founders Society, Member of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith

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Armorial Hamlet of Carterland

Hamlet of Carterland

Hamlet of Carterland

Founded on 1726120352

Area: 224 acres (0.4 mi²).

Important Characters: Elvire Carter: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Carter.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Carterland

12 372.38

Sphere: territorial
Vassal of the town of Iscandar

Duchy of Warband - Alboin Carter
NjU4NauiaIivqaN9sXiPj3haoaZmbGaZrqRnjqqqj4+9ZqGKa2mclmtlbIixtVmdrJeiiJ92nH1n Zb7Lmlpmk+LTocTf5o+KqqTQfWdlj5h3ioavn6V4fay4y8rnWpyepKfRiGd7a5ivpGR9r7atueyp z8qhltjHWmp2iKy4iarGl5+cn2eawJaoj5Vll5nG6d+Zfayiy32sZeC5qKjLz1pnZNLgl2aI7trP faxl3seso4+VZaSaiKyiWY28x7ykn2iufWd7y9WiWmap6eSbfay4oYusZqB9anmz1piWosfb5FmN vJecns+Htn1qeZiIZ2llk62qZ4iql6Gbn2ytfWx4m5pna2WVqqVpip+prYmxZ6CJZ2WdmGdaa6af t2Z9sqKPmaxanIhaaqy4h4FZlr6XZp7b5Nd9rHvWx6eZj5V7aWmUrKZZjb631s7jp899Z2WtxKep mdWfp3Z9rLi/qsZan5xaZ5rLlqhZlaripsfd3svB55rOfWdl0sinqJnP4JdmiMLT18TfqY+KZZjS zJqbWZWq4Zp9rKKPjbyKvKRaaK6IZ3uV1eeXZp7p5NF9rHuhjWpnmohqeXfE7OaZyubT2Lyfaqx9 Z3u/tYFaaaeol2aM
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