Rory Gallagher

Mayor of Thyateira, Priest of Thyateira, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Superior of Sardis, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar and Merchants

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Armorial Foundation of Sardis

Foundation of Sardis

Foundation of Sardis

Founded on 1726436081
County of Eccléplusia, Terra Borealis

Area: 517 acres (0.8 mi²).

Population: 16 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Rory Gallagher: Superior.

Heirs: Donal Gallagher: Viscount of Lydia, Officer of the Order of Merit and Denar, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Monica Gallagher: Priestess of Hermokapeleia, Village chief of Hermokapeleia, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Denar, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Hugh Gallagher: Priest of Attaleia, Village chief of Attaleia, Knight of the Order of Merit and Denar.

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Foundation of Sardis


Sphere: territorial and spiritual

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