Noq Goddawn

Mayor of Goddawn, Hamlet chief of Goddawnland, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Builders

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Armorial Hamlet of Goddawnland

Hamlet of Goddawnland

Hamlet of Goddawnland

Founded on 1726512918
County of Akropol, Bishopric of Chernomorsk, Terra Borealis

Area: 290 acres (0.5 mi²).

Population: 104 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Noq Goddawn: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Goddawn.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Goddawnland

2 966.78

Sphere: territorial

NjY3M3pnfIR7aZx4gJyJinp+m6VokHqYfmh6jHpviYqMipuFbY6VlHCKgIeAem2Ye1ycg26alnhp iYmXea6arm5qjHh7fcXFtn6WmaPI1sZci46WgHCAim5sqKG4yomFZ6DTxpu6v9BubIp4e325pZV+ mZdci5TKmMxtlHmnusKso8W8tr7IeGmJzMukzK3Or1x6g5GY0b+uzYmFZ7zMy5y/bZR5pq54e2eJ iIuutp9cjKiHaZ+p1LZcepm4qct4e5+biG2PmYdsnY/RrZupyrejxcGtfpmVXIuqt4mlbZeNZW2F fQ==
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