Eulogio Daffunchio, aka Eulogio “El Santo”

Prior of Santo Tomás, Superior of San Francisco

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Armorial Foundation of San Francisco

Foundation of San Francisco

Foundation of San Francisco

Founded on 1726648351
Bishopric of Gisors, Terra Borealis

Area: 957 acres (1.5 mi²).

Population: 15 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Eulogio “El Santo”: Superior.

Heirs: Rufino “El Tercero”: Hamlet chief of Bonum Oram, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Andrea “La Donna”: Commander of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Bonaventura, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Denar, Felipe “Barba Roja”: Hamlet chief of Patet.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of San Francisco

2 066.66

Sphere: territorial and spiritual

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