Taras Future

Lord of Elfrin, Priest of Versage, Village chief of Versage, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters and Civilian Victims

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Armorial Parish of Versage

Parish of Versage

Parish of Versage

Founded on 1727327764

Population: 1,024 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Taras Future: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Versage.

Trade route with: Elfrin.

Quality label: Nets, since: 1727207388.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Versage


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2735 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NjU3MXWClm52haVce5ySbrN+pKihkJScd4SZbnqGkm6HiqRpp4yfnKePlop7lYd8dnelZ2man1yi iZKasq60sWmFplx2mM6psX6ffdzI38mVi6iZeoeWbGmHsYuly86qlYudq+XN19epd5d5aYSzjJal kmy0fp+V2LrVinaC0qmztdmYrcbSm5WLnc3ZxtXKsLiHaXSi36CpzOFcooncy5WLkop5lLeJkHeg e2mLs5jixpKXtsjUzGmEqG56g55vaY6xjdXL4MbXvoeahneUfZmkuVx5nZtcoo0=
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