Oscar Cegła

Superior of Cegłaland

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Armorial Foundation of Cegłaland

Foundation of Cegłaland

Foundation of Cegłaland

Founded on 1727446731
County of Locrias, Bermuda

Area: 563 acres (0.9 mi²).

Population: 15 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Oscar Cegła: Superior.

Heirs: Jakub Cegła: Mayor of Cegłaland, Priest of Cegłaland, Village chief of Glinowo, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Producers of Brandy, Maple Forests and Diamond Mines Society, Member of the Union of Brewers and Distillers, Andrzej Cegła: Prior of Cegłaland, Vice-mayor of Cegłaland, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Mines and Civilian Victims.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of Cegłaland


Sphere: territorial and spiritual

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