Léon Sugar

Priest of Karaz Col, Karak Ankor and Karak Kor, Knight of the Order of Believers and Merit

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Armorial Parish of Karak Kor

Parish of Karak Kor

Parish of Karak Kor

Founded on 1727634340
County of Courgalant, Bishopric of Bear Fields, Terra Borealis

Population: 1,408 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Léon Sugar: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Karak Kor.

Trade route with: Karak Karaz.

Quality label: Granite, since: 1727520037.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Karak Kor


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1700 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MjE3OWh7qHBre5Bcbo9+botxkLF5g6albX6oamt7fm56fZBpf4KMonuApJNujpl8aXCRZ1yNi1x6 fH6jiqHGulx+uFxpkbqppHGLfbS7y9JtfrqiboGobVyAnYNcj4xciYXI3G1+pMGsstWpXICbXGmS romUcY6ybX6k1pi+mWlnu8ummri6oLWxvZN6fNzXpL7Zo51wi2eHvsKcu8B+oHi72pNpe5lseaCr g1x/nVx6krrgtXGmtKa921xpkZBtaYORXH2QpM+6rd+TaXu/pqlwjnlcfp+Mmph+o4x6maBr
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