Ewan Doukas

President of the Barley Growers Society, Priest of Bigham, Village chief of Bigham, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Mines

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Armorial Parish of Bigham

Parish of Bigham

Parish of Bigham

Founded on 1728015603
Caliphate of Neko-Albion, Ancoria

Population: 691 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Ewan Doukas: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Bigham.

Trade route with: Tontas.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Bigham


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2110 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDExMXSUmXN8m6BneqWReYyHo3R6mZZpc5WZeHOXkXmGk6N0gZKdZn+Sl1Z6p4mHdYmkcmijnmd7 kpFmi7e2fWiXqGd1qs20sIeeiLXR3pVulKpleJaVe2iZsIe6w9pne5KwoL7NxaRomaZndarBlI+H oYZulJyZqtWJY3PU1rGm0M2rsMfQZ3uS1Jq21cmdqYmWcpPW1ae21pF0edHSVnuSiWaFubaOaJew Z3WozbS2h553uNTLVnWqm3h3maRneKauq7DKzZ5ul6ZWdaq5lI+JoYZxh552
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