Abelota Dota

Mayoress of Grizzle Hold, Priestess of Grizzle Hold, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Rulers, Builders, Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Carters

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Armorial Parish of Grizzle Hold

Parish of Grizzle Hold

Parish of Grizzle Hold

Founded on 1729644898
County of Leòmhann Ùr, Bishopric of Eccléplusia, Terra Borealis

Population: 2,956 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Abelota Dota: Priestess.

In the same territory: Town of Grizzle Hold.

Trade route with: Moose Den, Bordeleaux, Badger Lodge.

Quality label: Ploughs, since: 1721262869.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Grizzle Hold


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 5601 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Njc3OJihgH2bpqZwnpKYgnp0qrpohnywnaV+g6CpmIKqgKp9cIWnq2+IgpyetG+QmZare4yQpXBp f5iseaScw4ykjnCZt9S91HSlkaO+5dtcgZCrnaeCfoymt4zJtN+6q7CYqWeTuevIln+NjKO5oLmb mIB7dKWnn7C9nJmhur3W1N+s0LzYr1yBo9+cwb3c09dvfZfB5bTMwuewqsKYqWe+sJyZoW+AqcbF l4yCt3BpldTppHR8vdbjsXCZt6qCmIWpcGyTuumgycTjzJZ8e6/g36+MhLVwaZXIyYN0f7uVlnx/
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