Sibyl Mopol

Commander of the Order of Mines, Priestess of Ironrig, Village chief of Ironrig, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Merit, Hunters, Denar, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Iron Mines Society

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Armorial Parish of Ironrig

Parish of Ironrig

Parish of Ironrig

Founded on 1729669761
Duchy of Marais, Terra Borealis

Population: 1,720 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Sibyl Mopol: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Ironrig.

Trade route with: Monkeyhall.

Quality label: Iron ore, since: 1729235387.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Ironrig


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the deanery of Salusa Secundus
Housing capacity for 2700 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Deanery of Salusa Secundus - Rory Mopol
NDUyMJNzjqKaemOVmYtXp3dtaXNlf4phkniKqJp1V6eleWmjZXhnY2yAiVWZhny1lGhqoIeJZJVm eIaYmW2JYNKkydnVq1eikreYlWZ4V2V2nal8h3ablZSJk+LPbWS2o7qZVWaOjmeTeoiVl4d74tG2 pNmbbWdyWXqdhbSPfKWmaGSgyqmllWZ4lJWXt8SVh3WH0Yd1YubDu6XRoG1kYKOufGKSt7/Vh3Vi 4MO6m+OcbWRgo658YpJojLK3lX6VlYxXonqppJ1Zep2f1Kp8oqh6aaaUfVeleJuTnKm7uFWUc6rV xbig1Ne7V6V2bWR2iZqjVZeHhZWUd2OgmHpnp2ltaXNZf5pVmYaIp5R8aKabf2ihWX91YWt6kGaY fI6mk2hps4eNZJVseFdxZm2JYId4mcW0j1ejpm1ktpW6n1VmjsOf1Kd8oqh3aqKSgFeleJubkq20 fGKSkMbg0a9XpaRtZLaJmn5VaYx8YpKruOOHdWLg1LeV3JWxn5WYbYlgyqjJ48evmJWUeILina2l pJm7ylWUc8bWh3VilZeKh8KAbWV0WXqdkdSwfKKosqTXh3p4p2t5aWFZfZt51LLF4suqV6WkbWS2 iZp+VWmMhVWUdw==
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