Abdul Rahman

Priest of Chumazov, Village chief of Chumazov, Knight of the Order of Civilian Victims

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Armorial Parish of Chumazov

Parish of Chumazov

Parish of Chumazov

Founded on 1731826149
Duchy of Marais, Terra Borealis

Population: 118 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Abdul Rahman: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Chumazov.

Quality label: Coal, since: 1731535935.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Chumazov


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1185 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDM5OZmJgpefipKGn6p+mIaMkHx0nn5qoIuBkpySfpirmJCUdJ+Lb3SbhF6fnHCmmn6RkY2oi4Z1 l35uhbydhY2Mj4aan7rT1YyLp6/Wy51omZFtoYt8ko2OnaLKy87NaJmJi6TPuJrWfoCjjYuftrqz fpaHjItpq8i+XpqJu9PXvMXC0dS+xWiZiaGs1L6e1L9wk5ipy8rN2s2GdZfIn2iZe16dm6CztH6M pY2Zn8K11H5rida9oI2LkZifkY2XjZydpKvcxpq91sFenZtwk66uq62NnJ2PaJmN
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