Maria d'Alviano

Priestess of Zilbah

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Armorial Parish of Zilbah

Parish of Zilbah

Parish of Zilbah

Founded on 1733564943
Emirate of Vizyria, Ancoria

Population: 698 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Maria d'Alviano: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Zilbah.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Zilbah


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1205 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NjE1M6JhbK2panmdqHhqr3RafIpibGd6pmdosaVkaq+0ZnyrZGp7e2ppZ2yodFm9o1Z9qJZ2d51j ZWp8c4qGk5ZkeJ2jd6bq3lp3vp2kt6tWZ3p7qmlnrZZmicXSp67ZVmd1q1Zna4jdp53Z36BqrbNa d76Gh5FsZnlZeaGZleuWY3Xo46So5JKesqyVWmZ32Zam69adq52jZZXqmpq4u5aop2yjYaPelmN1 naZ3msp9WniLVmd6qOOeWaq3oLfflmeLr2lod3dWanih2p2W2dlWerqWZ4vNg4FqfHVjWXml
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