Leslie Plasezko

Lord of Plasezkoland, Priest of Plasezkoland, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Denar and Military Wounded

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Armorial Parish of Plasezkoland

Parish of Plasezkoland

Parish of Plasezkoland

Founded on 1733929105
Duchy of Kaizoku, Terra Borealis

Population: 1,475 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Leslie Plasezko: Priest.

In the same territory: Lordship of Plasezkoland.

Quality label: Wine, since: 1732815422.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Plasezkoland


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2525 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NzE5M2enkW5rq2hcbZhYbrh6aoemjIx3b6mSaGasWG55hmpqqI5lfaaFjmltun58aJxrZ1uWZVyn hVh5t6qrkFuqnVxovZSpo3plfeHEpaiah594b6+SZ1usd4ObyJ+g2npldMXBureb8cSmW6x1XGib iInBemiImoeJrJfqfmlm56WmmcGUoOK6l2mnhcGto+q+o5ycZWeGx5yc6MlYdqXEv2lop35seMyF g1uId1ynm5S24nqLiqXpwFxovWpvaY1sXKqZg7DWyL6+oebFmKTbWGx4emV9yqd/aaqZh2loqw==
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