Zero von Klaus

Lord of Norklausland, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priest of Norklausland, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Rulers and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders, Denar, Military Valour and Merchants, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers

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Armorial Parish of Norklausland

Parish of Norklausland

Parish of Norklausland

Founded on 1734940261
Principality of Bandar, Ancoria

Population: 4,000 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Zero von Klaus: Priest.

In the same territory: Lordship of Norklausland.

Trade route with: Ici-Les-Pléssys, Klausland.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Norklausland

2 496.77

Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the deanery of East Klauston
Housing capacity for 5906 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Primacy of Pic-Aux-Marais - Elisabeth “La Sainte”
NjAwNaKnbmeqqYVZqLd6a6eZjHmVq2hqqqtlZqeoemu0pYxnmK2JZ52lbluoulp5o5yNZJa1h1mW pHprpsmHgpaqeVmjvbam3pmHetDjx5qJpntqqaxraZasmY7W5sRZlqTLpdKZZ2a845ap5JyKdpam m4m2wHprqJlnZtnYqFmjp8Wm4NfBlc3hupqJpmWe2uSomd3demahxMedyefJW5akpJyWqWVZprmq hr2ZiHiJppuX1uFaaLfmp5uWqZtrqauMZ4mpmYTT5qCi0uyooNLluVmmtnpmqsmngompeWSWp3ZZ tql6bKGZlmaJpoWKzNlaaKHnlqba6r1Zo6TEmommhVuZtoqIvZxoeJapm5Xj4XpmquPHnYmme22p rmxnlqyZguDmwKDF6ciixeKZW6a5Wma3zKeAlqmZWZakvZfXmWdm09yYo97cemah1XpmlOq2qdfV oVujp6SalqmFqNnZemaU5LaozeedW6OnpJqWqYVZpraqhrCZiHqJpnuX4+RaZrfmx5uWpptrnKuL bImpeXvS6qlZo6egoNLpyKjT4nprpplnfMbJgVmmu4NZo6g=
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