Armorial Parish of Keg's Keep |
Parish of Keg's Keep
Founded on 1736284059
Terra Borealis
Population: 2,954 inhabitants.
Important Characters: Armande Vanessey: Priestess.
In the same territory: Viscounty of Keg's Keep.
Trade route with: Little Polska, Fatalberry, Foxburg.
Quality label: Bows, since: 1736777795.
Sphere: spiritual |
Members |
Armande Vanessey |
City State of Holy Ōsaka - Anacletus “Vicarius Duodecim”
- Kingdom of Shameheim - Ceolsige “The Enduring”
- Grand duchy of Marmion - Doris Idmark
- Order of Chientreux - Desdemona Ribana
- Archbishopric of Nouvelle Zomeauville - Siddhārtha “Le Bienheureux”
- City-state of Hiroshima - Fujishima “Takara”
- Archbishopric of Puerto Bellota - Edmond “The Holy Father”
- Bishopric of Coltainville - Johann Samuel “La Perdrix Rouge”
- Papal city of Holy Ōsaka - Lawton “Collion Head”
- Deanery of Shameheim - Hobo Tallheron
- Parish of Smütgard - Lucius Vanessey
- Parish of Lake Donny - Lucius Vanessey
- Parish of Batmine Bay - Armande Vanessey
- Parish of Logan's Marsh - Logan Vanessey
- Parish of Keg's Keep - Armande Vanessey
- Parish of Foxheim - Cleante Vanessey
- Parish of Lilnasti
- Parish of Foxwood - Diana Vanessey
- Parish of Cheezenburg - Hobo Tallheron
- Parish of Foxburg - Logan Vanessey
- Parish of Smütgard - Lucius Vanessey
- Parish of Fort Airain - Edmond “The Holy Father”
Temple |
Bows |