Eufrasia Valdecilla

Mayoress of Valdeyeso, Priestess of Valdeyeso, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Valmio, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Merit, Denar and Military Wounded, Member of the Ham Producers Society

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Armorial Parish of Valdeyeso

Parish of Valdeyeso

Parish of Valdeyeso

Founded on 1736455080

Population: 3,522 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Eufrasia Valdecilla: Priestess.

In the same territory: Town of Valdeyeso.

Quality label: Gloves, since: 1737266402.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Valdeyeso


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 8410 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NTg1MmaiYmVqqY5XbKd6aXaJjHNkm2VmaaZnYm2heml4lYxlaZiKZWOcYlVstFd3Z5aNYlqlh1dl lHpldbmEfFqkdldnt7akoomHeJ/Tx5RYlnhlZaZjaFqmmXeqyseTps22VWWUiJGh1ZeVnt3Bk1qZ l1dlqqqCf4lndFqjYpqW5HpkZdTHoZbQtpmgyZZVZ6Gal6fkup6biYdig9a+labYl6OolmRipNd6 ZGWJinSItqFVZqhXYnvSpJ9ao5uhp8t6ZHmbjmZnmldleceTnpnWzpeo03pndYmHdoi2flVqtWBX Z6U=
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