Julia Kalkas

President of the Rosewood Forests Society, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priestess of Áth Roschoill, Village chief of Áth Roschoill, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Kalkasland and Allt Salainn, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Gnu Hunters Society

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Armorial Parish of Áth Roschoill

Parish of Áth Roschoill

Parish of Áth Roschoill

Founded on 1737507363

Population: 738 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Julia Kalkas: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Áth Roschoill.

Trade route with: Kalkasland.

Quality label: Rosewood, since: 1738652162.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Áth Roschoill

1 093.83

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1155 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MDM4NnOdcmmcmaZbaq2SoYWWgpR4qniBe55ycJqblG12m6Sdeap9gn+leW95r2Z9moynZlirn490 oZ+5rJh3erLNs6Hbz5RoY9nTj3ShlrKz3qa9rs2vnI2Zn5+mj5+asODCdnmjsLix469dmpfQqVic nY93s6Cjk5h4jmeeh5na1JRoednf0WejkYl3o3h/Z6GFXaualG5k3tWPdKGdwLrWrbmr2K1dnamU aHm/v7Znpo9/bKV5e3OcemmbnZRtdo+krWeojoJ+pnx/cqN0bpuMpnlkoaChd6GChH2maoGFkYZq jZ+fW3SckpxyloCTnMWRb3WwZmquyOGjWJyz1rHjr3Z5uXp6eaV5XZ2ruauf086PdKGWsrPepr1n oYNdmq3EiH+Poq5no3u5qOZqfHLcs6fL09CfoM/Rj3Shs7a55qq2qJFzaLjZ2Jum3tLdtZZ9gbbZ anxykXZ6vbm7W2aukpyI0r2+bKWLubTTZmqun59mZp+Sn4a8rL2y1Li2o9qlXZ2plGh5v7+2Z6aP f2yleQ==
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