Joe Gure Degurechaff, aka Joe Gure “Smart”

Priest of Wakayama-Ken, Knight of the Order of Believers and Denar

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Armorial Parish of Wakayama-Ken

Parish of Wakayama-Ken

Parish of Wakayama-Ken

Founded on 1737516728
County of Charlonne, Terra Borealis

Population: 11,687 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Joe Gure “Smart”: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Wakayama-Ken.

Quality label: Copper, since: 1735926744.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Wakayama-Ken

21 023.97

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 20140 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MzI0M2N4YpxjfYKIaZRxmqp2g4WYiGV5Z3hommR/cZp1goOWnoZ9eJ6DamdpileoZGyEk1eSfoiZ gXF3qaaEjld6dohkja3Vn3Z+qdPAvqaMg3h3Yn1ml1d8kK2htnGVl5jBtMx2ZHJXjGSIandxnHWk ucTZxXGHmXZqcleAdohkd3GYdHZ+qbyjmGeclVd0Yq+T1ld5fNOkwK/PyLq5p8t2ZHKasJ/Wl7Oy iGSBnNXQtr+2jINisZhsZJNXfI64hJ1xlqt2fojIw59nZI2h1ZlsfqlqgXyWn3aBhr6ynaOrqJ/E X5Kx0VeGjoiZl6GUs3ZnhmBsZJc=
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