Albert Mace

President of the Iron Mines Society, Commander of the Order of Mines, Priest of Rethondes and Varesnes, Village chief of Rethondes and Varesnes, Officer of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Believers, Builders, Denar and Agriculture Merit

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Armorial Parish of Varesnes

Parish of Varesnes

Parish of Varesnes

Founded on 1737642019
Principality of Gaunes, Ancoria

Population: 2,813 inhabitants in all, including 1,588 inhabitants in the domain.

Important Characters: Albert Mace: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Varesnes.

Trade route with: Gaunes, Ercunia, Monchy, Canly.

Quality label: Iron ore, since: 1728104463.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Varesnes


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2755 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Parish of Varesnes - Albert Mace
ODU4N5ZmhHGda3hdnKZmb4SIeJBymoeEm2mGaJZuZm+olHhreJl1f3GWinKceHl9l1p5aIqkc11z k2aCg7immYpomF2Xe6Kq0ohzfq3Ss7FmlZqBnWWGcYpqhXnRxaaqtYhzfY7Et7KKapZdl3uWirGI dnxmlXG1otZ5f5WlxqfIoaKh0silXXOTqbau1rm5y1qGaLWnqp3Y12ZqcdKncnOTeYKniqaEimiF XZepoqquiHOTsNW7cpd7jGiVbXldmqeXmbPItLum1nmCp1qGfrqHjV2ap29dcaRmknOIjH2KdoZd l2WVoMqIc2ixxLO2tMt5f5Wkul2XZWZtp7iThGaWhXJzqbW/0lqGftSnqF2XqXhwd5lxcnanprLZ ncOmyZq0XZqlZmqHuJOZZpiYcpdlvJnYWnNox8ikp67IZn9xxHl/lau1q9iWrV2Xk7CeZpVxwanI eX+VpbWqzqipXZeTsJ5mlXFydqWpn7Fah3yKZ4eZ19BmaofSs7RmlZqFlWWMcIpqhY7G1aarr8i0 cnaleX+riqaEimqFZoqVdQ==
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