Tanya Degurechaff, aka Tanya “Reincarnation”

Dean of the academy of Doctrine of Faith, Village chief of Chikuhō, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Degurechaffland, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders and Civilian Victims, Member of the Coal Mines and Spruce Forests Society

Armorial Hamlet of Degurechaffland

Hamlet of Degurechaffland

Hamlet of Degurechaffland

Founded on 1738499288
Terra Borealis

Area: 291 acres (0.5 mi²).

Population: 57 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Tanya “Reincarnation”: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Degurechaff.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Degurechaffland

3 191.36

Sphere: territorial

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