Ivan Iron Pig

Priest of Northmark, Officer of the Order of Believers

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Armorial Parish of Northmark

Parish of Northmark

Parish of Northmark

Founded on 1738621443
County of Northmark, Ancoria

Population: 27,237 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Ivan Iron Pig: Priest.

In the same territory: County of Northmark, City of Northmark.

Trade route with: Brod, Tvir, Essex, Rbzwood.

Quality label: Pikes, since: 1730812652.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Northmark

4 481.56

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 43435 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

OTY1NmWfemptp6Rba7uRbXydo3lqr3xuaqB6amihkW13qaNpca6eZ22sfFtrsW57ZpOkZlm5nltr qJFre82bglmhjVtmtM2ooZ2efKXn3ppeqo9rZaF9Z1mjsH+q2dpba6i1qKjmbmhkvrKdWaOuW2a+ wYiFnaF6Xqp5npXhbmhk3t6ll+TNn6bd0FtrqLGfoeGuopqTnmaE6tWbrOyRaGnnr1tmnm5rdsO+ glmrsFtrvs2opp17fKPgsFtmtKRmaKmhW268uqWr7LGjleC0W2mwkWh6zb6CXq2wZF6qfQ==
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