Slava Slavakorol Korol, aka Slava “The Insecure”

Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Grand master of the brotherhood of Trekhgranichye, Village chief of Trekhgranichye, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Rovna, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Gnu Hunters and Warthog Hunters Society

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Armorial Hamlet of Rovna

Hamlet of Rovna

Hamlet of Rovna

Founded on 1739193019

Area: 432 acres (0.7 mi²).

Population: 52 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Slava “The Insecure”: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Slavakorol.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Rovna

3 678.09

Sphere: territorial

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