Anichka Headless, aka Anichka “Trud Mr”

President of the Lead Mines Society, Priestess of Narwain, Village chief of Headlessland, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Builders, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Spruce Forests Society, Member of the brotherhood of great Trudes

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Armorial Parish of Narwain

Parish of Narwain

Parish of Narwain

Founded on 1739728460
Emirate of Catghanistan, Ancoria

Population: 2,194 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Anichka “Trud Mr”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Lordship of Narwain.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Narwain

3 491.86

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 3990 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MDExNpJnY5atgXt1jrqOo45urpykhKKzmGhpmrB7cIeaqKCfhICpkaeDn5+YeVarrHCDgHy4m5F9 eZyOtaLBxoZpdYuskazCxJybsre46b2Yf7WvkWhnnJ+Aj5HF4MzUtqqci6NytKyGbmGLs46fwszb jp57lul+uH+UspFbaqqffXt1jLmOnpGeyaWYgrOfk2aZx+1wfYDH6djPt6rgxtixlKyRnpbY7bC3 tnypmby9stzM57Li7YZoYdXgcH2AfKyrwZ2VnIy3cqHAwqiei6yRusK+nJuyg3mujaRypL6vl6Pd 27S5dYy5jp6RnsmlmIKzqIZoZQ==
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