Bernarda Olinos Montealvar di Guaran, aka Bernarda Olinos “La Loba”

Priestess of Trismegius Phaenix, Village chief of Constantina and Trismegius Phaenix, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Denar, Mines and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Trismegius Phaenix

Parish of Trismegius Phaenix

Parish of Trismegius Phaenix

Founded on 1740359973

Population: 1,419 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Bernarda Olinos “La Loba”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Trismegius Phaenix.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Trismegius Phaenix


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2500 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NTU1NJaZqaSWnIyVnKx6p3iOjKhmoKuVmJ2wqZybeqeomoykZZyKnm6gqoqcq5y1l42NoIqqh5Vn mXqad77JsYqbu5WXrrbi0o6HtqHYx8lam72alZytoYqdmbLK28PRp822imeZxtHO1ubjipqFlaqb eqhljo6ogcqcl5W05tLGjZqiiqGFlW6tepdljqynipq9xbe0eqWpjoegncrIimeZ59fUy+PRztW6 1Iqbhdia28jKoc+cl5W46dnK28nV2Nx6omXYu4pnmZyap73JvIqbmZWXr7bioo6Hq6Tb3oqXrq+g nqGIlZqtqeKe3MLKnNLs2Iqap8DNybrezuF6pXeOh6uKu8OKmqyllZec
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