Julia Kalkas

President of the Rosewood Forests Society, Commander of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Priestess of Áth Roschoill and Kalkasland, Village chief of Áth Roschoill and Allt Salainn, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Hamlet chief of Kalkasland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Gnu Hunters Society

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Armorial Parish of Kalkasland

Parish of Kalkasland

Parish of Kalkasland

Founded on 1740757524

Population: 327 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Julia Kalkas: Priestess.

In the same territory: Hamlet of Kalkasland.

Trade route with: Áth Roschoill.

Quality label: Granite, since: 1739252949.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Kalkasland


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 535 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

ODIxMmZlY6RmaauTbLqbpXucrb1prmWqbGloo2dom6V4qK2iaK6rsW2pZZ9sd1azZ1munlq4qJNq p5uvesyDxlpndZNnetfgopyotKTm6N5dqXevZWtqplppuriq49/PXammxZnjnNuoWWawWma8w4fD m6N8nKiqoNikn2dkoeCkl+LPnuTb0l2ppuKd6aTfoZpWoGWE6Nea6urTq+qbrGjml59nZFajd4nI ulqqupNqvdfspZxjwKSmmJNneq6fZqiok227wduk4pLtoZWf0lppuJNnvcvAhJyrvmacY64=
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