Eufrasio Thorne, aka Eufrasio “La Estaca”

Commander of the Order of Blessed and Merit, Priest of Fraser Ridge, Fraserwood and Newhope, Village chief of Fraser Ridge, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Hamlet chief of Fraserrun, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Armorial Parish of Newhope

Parish of Newhope

Parish of Newhope

Founded on 1742140437
Empire of Guaranpis, Tessara

Population: 1,461 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Eufrasio “La Estaca”: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Newhope.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Newhope


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2500 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

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