Encyclopedia Cults New gods Beezoos


Summoned from beyond with the lure of great riches, gold worth billions of denars proving to be Beezoos' beckoning call. His worshipers tell the tale of even greater wealth from beyond. Thrifty spending and workman thievery, hoarding the great sought wealth of the world is their creed.


No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse.

Ch: 1. 1. Skill bonuses: Management 15, Looting 10, Intrusion 5, Carriage 5, Melee combat -5, Hast weapons -5, Ranged combat -5, Destruction -5.


Places of worship: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. Required skills and resources:


Required skills and resources: