Encyclopedia Cults New gods Krö


A lesser figure of the mythology, Krö is considered the personalisation of [URL=/hep/res?type=barley]barley[/URL] (from which [URL=/help/res?type=beer]beer[/URL] is made). He is the patron of [URL=/help/unit?type=brewer]brewers[/URL] and tavern, but is also popular with customers of the latters. Krö is depicted as a rather stocky man, with a particularly prominent belly. His long hair and his thick beard, ranging from blond to brown depending on the season, suggest a cheerful face, full of joviality. He has been one of [URL=/help/cult?type=prozak]Pro Zak[/URL]'s many lovers.


Unlocked 4 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse.

Co: 1. Skill bonuses: Brewing 15, Hospitality 10.


Places of worship: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. Required skills and resources:


Required skills and resources: