Encyclopedia Cults Old gods Urgos


Urgos is the son of [URL=/help/cult?type=kaabe]Kaabé[/URL] and [URL=/help/cult?type=fyndus]Fyndus[/URL]. He is the god of youth and vitality. The cult of Urgos is fully committed to health, vigor and physical beauty. He is depicted as a young athletic man. Urgos is also the god of medicine and would have the power to eradicate diseases and heal the wounds of the body.


Unlocked 1 week after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse.

St: 2. Ag: 2. Co: 2. Ch: 1. Wi: -2. Skill bonuses: Alchemy 10.


Places of worship: Temple / Chapel / Cathedral apse / Abbey apse. Required skills and resources:


Required skills and resources: