Akos Oquo

Count of Painful Crack, Mayor of Painful Crack, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Merit, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Musicians and Papermakers

Tybalt Oquo

Commander of the Order of Builders, Commander of Limelot, Village chief of Blackdirt and Cuprous Oxide, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Diamond Mines and Table Manufacturers Society

Lucas Oquo

Vicar of Innitsby, Priest of Painful Crack, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Believers, Member of the brotherhood of Norf

Petunia Oquo

Village chief of Graywasser, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters, Mines and Civilian Victims

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Armorial House Oquo

House Oquo

House Oquo

Founded on 1657279374

Characters: Akos Oquo: Count of Painful Crack, Mayor of Painful Crack, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Merit, Denar and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Musicians and Papermakers, Tybalt Oquo: Commander of the Order of Builders, Commander of Limelot, Village chief of Blackdirt and Cuprous Oxide, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Military Valour and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, War Cross, Merchants and Military Wounded, Member of the Diamond Mines and Table Manufacturers Society, Lucas Oquo: Vicar of Innitsby, Priest of Painful Crack, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Believers, Member of the brotherhood of Norf, Petunia Oquo: Village chief of Graywasser, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters, Mines and Civilian Victims.

 84.  104.

No personal information

NjUxNGWGjYZoj4x0a7J+hnSUkHNipopgaIeHgWqKfoZ3oJCCYaOKYGOli1VrmXyUZnuRf1mwi3Rj n5yYnd68VWaGpsCpxX6BZNjMdGOfvZWS04VVZoqQgmeJi4NZppx0aLJ+Z3SgjmFkiIeBaIyQdGuy ioZin4tgY6ONZ1mNmnR5iH6HZJSagVahiVVmsayCgHuKk1mIn7Cm3H6Bd9vIopWUiXZoiYiBaHuO k4TUzcSf2LpVY5+moanFfIR2e4uVicGldGazfmJh5rijWYiHsaPIx31ZoY2IZKGJY2aUjnNZjZp0 a5mKhmWfiX9npZBkVqaaYWuHh39kjI+GaJSQkla0i1Vpn3xxZnuJf4G3x76ilIt/gODOn1ahh5mn e4l/mLu6s2KUi4Nqn5JmYqd8Z3d7jpJZjZyAa5+PhmWmkmRolI5zZY2HhWuKkIhopn6GdJSeYlan h1V1iHyBZKO6vaPdfoFhvsqloJSJYKu3ynRmhru+pt2HdGOjkWlnooxlWY2adGuZfoZ3oJB/ZaaK aGqoj1VrmYiGZIqQgGyokodWppxVdqF8aGR7mIFZiImeodB+gWG+yqWglIlgncl8gWS6vrCYnX6B ZaSLZminiFVrmXyGd3uQkmWljohkqJJpZaB8Z3eHjYRtiZKIbaOKdGiyfnVjlI9gWZeJdGaGnLeg 3r50Y5+ooabefGJkzbjCWYiJsaPhx31WoY1lY6GMZGd7jpJZjZx0a7KKhWankGFip4pjWY2agGqL kYZloJGCZJSQc1a0iVVshnyQZnuLf1mkm6SDu35jdZSJdpXIxHRmnMW+ptN+gXehjWRjqHxleKLM spXJfoFkvsrEoJSOclahnYWGonyEeHuLf6vQzHRjn7ufo92FVWaKjIBph42DWaacdGiyfmd0oI1l a4uLgW2NkHRrsoqFZqaOZGOojmdZjZp0eYh+h2SUmoFWoYlVZrGsgoB7ipNZiJ+wptx+gXfbyKKV lIl2ZoqHiG17jpOI6LuwneN+YmG+yKWje4yRWYifpIa7foR1lItgqNDKVWaGub6mxId0ZqOOgGWj jGFWpppVa5l8hneHj4Rro4yCaaiMVWiyiGZpjYuCZ46SglmmnHR2oX5oYZSYYlmIh56ht36BZL7K xKCUi2Co0MpVZoa5vqbEh3Rmo46AZKOQaFammlVrmXyGd4ePhGuhkIhkpo1VaLKIZmmNiYZtiZCD WaacdHahfmhhlJhiWYiHdGmYrqGAlIyTVqGfkaPcfGJ6wsbBmHuLlWajiYBplI50ctrGo1mIh56l y8h0abF+gXfEq3xWpJtVZobOsKd7i3+W3su9X5SLZA==

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