Mikhail Litvin Fon Dominik, aka Mikhail “Dominik”

Lord mayor of Port-Oleburg, Vicar of Częstochowa, Mayor of Ancorin, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Master of the guild of Port-Oleburg, Priest of Port-Oleburg, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Denar, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Luthiers

Ekaterina Litvin

Moderatrix, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit

Oleksandr Litvin

Grand prince of Uroboros, Archmarshall of Arquetipo, Grand cross of the Order of Military Valour, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Marshall of the Order of Knights of Kinross, Commander of the Order of Hunters and Merchants, Lord consort of Shchastya, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Builders, War Cross and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Merit, Denar and Agriculture Merit

Vasilisa Litvin

Countess of Uroboros-Ancorian, Lady of Bermudos, Mayoress of Wavewood, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour, Merchants, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded

Mariya Litvin

Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Secretary of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Hamlet chief of Litvinland

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Armorial House Litvin

House Litvin

House Litvin

Founded on 1657353002

Characters: Mikhail “Dominik”: Lord mayor of Port-Oleburg, Vicar of Częstochowa, Mayor of Ancorin, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Master of the guild of Port-Oleburg, Priest of Port-Oleburg, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit, Denar, War Cross and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Luthiers, Ekaterina Litvin: Moderatrix, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Oleksandr Litvin: Grand prince of Uroboros, Archmarshall of Arquetipo, Grand cross of the Order of Military Valour, Grand officer of the Order of Rulers, Marshall of the Order of Knights of Kinross, Commander of the Order of Hunters and Merchants, Lord consort of Shchastya, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Builders, War Cross and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Merit, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Vasilisa Litvin: Countess of Uroboros-Ancorian, Lady of Bermudos, Mayoress of Wavewood, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Hunters, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour, Merchants, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded, Mariya Litvin: Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Secretary of the academy of Sapientia ex Libris, Hamlet chief of Litvinland.

Family crypt: Eduard “Mertvec”: Lord of Wavewood, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Cartographers, Seneschal of St Petersburg, Vice-mayor of St Petersburg, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Hunters and Military Valour, Knight of the Order of Builders, War Cross, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded, Elvira Litvin: Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Peer of the realm of Uroboros, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Merchants and Military Wounded, Master of the guild of Port-Oleburg, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and War Cross, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Denar, Military Valour and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Saddlers.

 576.  190.

Kiev, Ukraine

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