Monzcarro Voidstar Murcatto, aka Monzcarro “The Viper of Talins”

Countess consort of Washington Dc, Lady of Meow Al-Farid, Commander of the Order of Mines, Officer of the Order of Denar, Hamlet chief of Tea Plains, Chocolate Hills and Salt Flats, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Gazelle Hunters Society

Kiwir Karawita Voidstar, aka Kiwir Karawita “Neko Kalifa”

Calipha of Neko-Albion, Grand mistress of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Believers and Denar, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Merit, Merchants and Feather of Shakespeare, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, War Cross, Military Valour and Military Wounded

Sherah Voidstar

Lady mayoress of Meowcca, Commander of the Order of Denar and Mines, Village chief of Oak Hills, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Engineers and Luthiers

Eucle Voidstar

Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Eastern Marches, Officer of the Order of Denar and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Member of the Tileries Society

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Armorial House Voidstar

House Voidstar

House Voidstar

Founded on 1698873954

Characters: Monzcarro “The Viper of Talins”: Countess consort of Washington Dc, Lady of Meow Al-Farid, Commander of the Order of Mines, Officer of the Order of Denar, Hamlet chief of Tea Plains, Chocolate Hills and Salt Flats, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Gazelle Hunters Society, Kiwir Karawita “Neko Kalifa”: Calipha of Neko-Albion, Grand mistress of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Believers and Denar, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Builders, Merit, Merchants and Feather of Shakespeare, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, War Cross, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Sherah Voidstar: Lady mayoress of Meowcca, Commander of the Order of Denar and Mines, Village chief of Oak Hills, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Engineers and Luthiers, Eucle Voidstar: Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Eastern Marches, Officer of the Order of Denar and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Member of the Tileries Society.

Family crypt: Colin “The Regent”: Margrave consort of Lycaonis, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients and Merchants, Kara “The Warden”: Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Cartographers, Military Valour, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims.

 262.  27.

No personal information

OTg0OIqmYXSPrm1okIxaenxubHtqgGNvkqtkeJGoWnqcemx2cIJrbG6BY12QuFWIi5ptc36KZ2hr eXalorxVaonLn6y96Kmky25nc6K8WmpprZWZvaNVdY2mZXySgG50XoB4XXCMVW+cpmd2jq1mfI55 ZWhwjGZvbH5oaZKqYHN+rHhonntae2ludmpee2B5xt6jaIuli7LCrai3mrtaamnAkat+p2ClyOej cX57aXRpgm5qbX1Vb5yaZ4Z+rHh0kHxqemuAZ2pxbmd7iqxjeJCnbHWLgVp6fG56al6BYF2ap1V1 iZpqha6bgWhsjVpqf6qipX6ndq/I55loi49pc2t8aF1ujXOnxd6eaIulWoiLbm1zXoJ4jKGuVWqJ x5WqvuOpaJ57Wntpbm58XntgXY63VXWfyoePfn55aGt5nqtee2CcvtaUcX6naXSJgWh5aoFab3xu Z3t+rHN0kKhoc5F+Znppbmx7aoBja4mtZXSQpVp6nG56dV6BZV16e1Vqib2fuMzaWnWJbmqFjpuB XWyNVWqf1qKwfqd7q8i+qKhee3tpcoBgan6qdJnI3pm2zaqnaG6LWmp/noKEfqp0aIulnaTMbmdz m66apl57YJ3R2J+wxuqjrLyqqaidbmdom8JVaomaZYWux4FojI1adX+qp6Vee3akyOeUaIu7aXyQ fW5obo1/p6yuoKDC45Voi6VaiItubXNegniMoa5VaonMmbe83VqIi25tc16CeV1reVVtm5piia7H gWiOjWNoa31maHF5ZmmRmmeGfqx4aJCMZnpse2pqan1oa36sc3SQqGd4i3ppe2xubHtejmJdkaVV hIuaZ3N+fneYi5Vaa31uYn66551oi7uhssutWnV/fW5vbHlVbZ26pabF2lp1iZ+krJ28qZmrbmV6 fqd2mKvBWnidbmdzsKqoXWt5kqfL415oi6lmc5F5aXlpbmx7XoBzXZC4YXqMp2l7jH9te16AeGlw fGJskahme5GabIZ+jmdocXlaeWtuYmik1qKkfqdlmciymbatqqdda3mZq36nYKe+1plxfntpfG15 ZW5qbmd7fqxzaJC4ZnqKemZ2cHttal6Ac2mQpmF0jK1lc4xubIZejmddcXlVeYuaYnOs2q6wyL6n aGt5i6eiraOsuudVdYneqGiLeZmomq1jXWmKVX2LmmhzfrZnaIt5erilqlpqaZ+fob3opKTLmmdz 0KqoaGt5l6ert15di6lpdpKna3p+gHhocIxab3x6Z2mKpWR6j65taJCMZnpqemVscH9pcH6sc2ie p1p7iW52dV57ZYuewp2nzudVdYnLpKy9vKmkq25naLCqo12LpZKyy+NjaIt9bnZse2ZqXoBzXZC4 VXqcpmx0iXptfHCBZV1wjGFviqVhe5KsbXN+gHhofntacGlucWp+p2CExeuWaIt5Wohrbm1oXoJz frrenKi9mmdzprKnpJy1ml1+e1VwiZpph36nZazMbmdzna6WnGduYmyRrWZ3iqpaepxubIZegHhp cHljbJGuYHqMmmyGioBldm2BbmhwfFVvnJp1dX6tZWiae1p1aW5qeo6bfF2MuVV1n9ansH57e6+o u5lda49kaJGsZ2iOuX+yzG54dl6Kbqihsp6dfqdgmcjembbNqqdobotaan+egoR+qnRoi6WspMxu Z3ObuKemZ25ibA==

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