Lynessa Voidstar

Hamlet chief of Cat's Landing and Copper Kitty, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

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Armorial Lynessa Voidstar

Lynessa Voidstar

Lynessa Voidstar

Born on 1740845334

Hamlet chief of Cat's Landing and Copper Kitty, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Heirs: Monzcarro “The Viper of Talins”: Countess consort of Washington Dc, Commander of the Order of Mines, Officer of the Order of Denar, Hamlet chief of Tea Plains, Chocolate Hills and Salt Flats, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Gazelle Hunters Society, Kiwir Karawita “Neko Kalifa”: Calipha of Neko-Albion, Grand mistress of the Order of Rulers, Grand officer of the Order of Believers, Commander of the Order of Denar and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Merit and Feather of Shakespeare, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters, War Cross and Military Valour, Member of the Horticulturists Society, Sherah Voidstar: Lady mayoress of Meowcca, Commander of the Order of Denar and Mines, Village chief of Oak Hills, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Luthiers, Gardeners and Perfumers, Eucle Voidstar: Village chief of Eastern Marches, Officer of the Order of Denar, Mines and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merchants, Member of the Tileries Society.


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Mzg1MZaiiZmWqmaHnHZZmXRYa5piaouHnqSKlJmqWZmoZGuWYWxnimNnkHyctHynl5Zskop0Zodj Y1mMc4ipo4qkm4eXt5XU0lhmqJ2iprtWZZ2MlqmKmYqmeK7eoZnVpJRZiWGJxsDJ5MvD15ZppIpl ereDf1mMdViJh83SyoeXoaTU1Jagw5qgmbtWZYe/yuPKx9HXWZSVe5XPnZiofGNjur/O1r2Hl6Gj yIplZIdmdYmpfViKm4qjncPX3lmUq6KmyVZleo9iZI2LiqabuNTamNXZlKbOkqGYfGZ1fImrxqmu iqZ4kIplaJNiZWqPYWR8jqiWjqWKqHeTnGdkmmZsaI9lWI6alqiLkp2mbZadZ1mZdFh5iVZrh3ym o3yUlbaqy8pYZpKHop27pKe4yYqjh8vYlmaS06Krh2Njn8WgqsV8l6G41YqjZIeadYm0fVhnm1Zl nbjX3nyUq92j1MlYZqhmZGyKaFiMm7HqxcfY5JWHl2OK0ZqXp8uSpXyMp5aJqLrDgIead2KHY2dl iGNpjZCclo6liqh3h5x2ZZllY2yLZmaKi4qompOcpWSamWhqm2lYa5pWeIl8naF8o5eWZpKKaHa3 g39ZinVYiZ3G48SHl7eg0deXWZR3aGWPZGp8jKm2zcvKlmaSu6KdxqSnlclWaJl8l7estLGWaaaK ZWTZkqZZiWGVxsnTn3ySppZ5lIprZIdyZVmJYViMmbrDo4eYtVmUq5Smz1ZlesOgpbt8l7eMk52k a4ead3nYmphZiWGJxsDJ5MvD15ZppIplereDf1mMdViJh83SyoeXoaTU1Jagw5qgmbtWZYe/yuPK x9HXWZSVe5XPnZiofGNjur/O1r2Hl6GjyIplZIdmdYmpfViKm4qjncPX3lmUq6KmyVZleo9iZIuJ iqabuNTamNXZlKbOkqGYfGZ1fImrxqmuiqZ4kIplaA==
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