Antiope Tharn

Village chief of Thaman, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Cartographers, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial Antiope Tharn

Antiope Tharn

Antiope Tharn

Born on 1719244480

Village chief of Thaman, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Cartographers, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Heirs: Mathe Tharn: Village chief of Tharnium, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Woodrow Tharn: Village chief of Tharnland, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Builders, Cartographers, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Eve Tharn: Lady of Thalium, Commander of the Order of Denar, Village chief of Thalanar, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Military Valour and Mines, Member of the Pork Meat and Weirwoods Society, Basil Tharn.

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