Assalid Alkantyr

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Armorial Assalid Alkantyr

Assalid Alkantyr

Assalid Alkantyr

Born on 1720947689

Heirs: Julas Alkantyr: Lord of Vanareïm, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priest of Vanareïm and Pierrefendre, Village chief of Pierrefendre, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Denar, Mines and Feather of Molière, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Blessed, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Dalmace Alkantyr: Village chief of Morgenstyr, Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Pierre Blanche, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Jeanne Alkantyr: Village chief of Lardoisiere, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Denar and Mines, Eilbert Alkantyr.

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