Francisca Yaros

Village chief of Farmland and Northfarm, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

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Armorial Francisca Yaros

Francisca Yaros

Francisca Yaros

Born on 1721958563

Village chief of Farmland and Northfarm, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

Heirs: Ivan Yaros: Mayor of Yarosland, Commander of the Order of Merit, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Blessed and Military Wounded, Member of the Chair Manufacturers Society, Duarte Yaros: Commander of the Order of Merit, Village chief of Riverside, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Eloan Yaros: Village chief of Woodland and Stoneland, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Cartographers and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Member of the Union of Glaziers, David Yaros: Vicar of Phyrr, Prior of Retiro, Dean of Yarosland, Priest of Riverside, Farmland, Woodland, Stoneland and Northfarm, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders and Mines.


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NDg0OZNkf4OTbXx3mYpoiXlserVnfn6mm2Z8hZRnaImleHqEaoB1oml5f5eZd3GXlFl7goeIdXdo d2ineJyevodnkHeUeqTEz2x1mKK2tdZbeZKmmG18hodph5jUqLG1n7qm01t5fMvDprvFh2mFd5SN mKSCbHi2W3l82sOncYSSpLXBxbOku6Osp5dod7TX1KexvshZdYKqqLC+m7topGaqtNvHmnGEkqOp d5R3aId4nJW+W3qQl5R6rcTPWXWY0bmqd2iNeqdmfoGXl3ils9Sjtr7Dtad3a4lopHycnr6HaZCA h2Z3g5J5eYtnf2ipeWyDtYdrj4OZZneDknd1hmxserVnfn6mk2R8hJZqaImlbIiEW39zl3d5caSS iLS3h2ZzyMuzr7OdrGikZrayl5RkcYekiZWeh3qHd2iNpOSjbH640aazd5R6eoaSe3t3a4uJ06i0 uNPQmHGHpFl1mLeZj3dri2ikZq+t5YdmfLTHl7K/x2x1gpdsdaKsqL/lw6BxhJKjqXeUd7e6m2x1 oqq2w+CHZnzByFl1god8haeIk2ilemx+uMOmuXeUerLEyWx1mG15eKlvbIG2u5W+wdWgpMDGbHiU W3mJx4iTcaemYnGElmVzg5d/d4pbfoaXbYpxqaVlg4SUZXqHlH54d22KdKloeX2pl2aDh4drhnen eWiKZmyEpFt5fJeXdqGkrll2lod5ibOotGikfLO75MZZfpiWanyClmx4lny5pOCZsL/Vw1l+gruV tcHVbHiUW3mJx4iTcaemWX6CypW2d5R3s8Slqq/Tn7Sx1odmfLrHpra3zq1ohGaPpN+irMCXlGSv usuZqXeUd7K4W3lzl2uJocSuWX+Wh2aJs9S0aIR8trXZW3mSqZZkgIqHaYerw7myxaKosdZbfI6X lHqhpK5ZeJaQbHWGZ3d0pmqAfpeZd3GJpVl6lZN+dYNvfHunbHpxqaVlg4STbXiKl312d22KaLdo bISih3V+d5RkaIeknJWeW3qHl2iNreTPWX6YzqO1tod5iYZsgHOmW3yQuNSVurXLp6azh3lzq5e5 suVbfI6XlHqhpK5ZeJaHeXPJl7popGapu+TQYnGElg==
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