Ameline Siobil

Hamlet chief of Siobilland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

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Armorial Ameline Siobil

Ameline Siobil

Ameline Siobil

Born on 1722546118

Hamlet chief of Siobilland, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Heirs: Isabella Siobil: Assistant, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Builders, Victorine Siobil: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Village chief of Blain, Officer of the Order of Builders, Knight of the Order of Believers.

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NTE4MGaik2RtpK1VbJmcZ3h7rqVmjZOVbKuWZGejnGd4h65iaI2wl2mIkodstYZ1Z5evYFqXqVVn hpyXd6uzrlqlpVVnuNiionupdqHF6cZaiKeWbKKYYlqnu3Giu+OZo7uclGWpytGX281VarScYnur yXxai7uHZ4bJw6iXk2Cl5OaTobfgnZq6nJRlvsbUqNfNllqkp3iWw+OVqXupkpi+ysebl5NgpNic YmV7rHKKqMOHaJqGlHvT051apL2fp72cYnuNq5hsjoaXecXKn5fb45yWxNtVapiclHurs65ap6Ve WqSrYWWHrmhth5yZeHuYpVqppGFspKllaYyoYW17rqVmjZOUaqaXYWaqnGd4e7xiWo6nh3aIhpRl l5ZyisTDVWianGJ7t+nPWoinzqTkxVVnuKtnZY2pVWqauM+awsrQmpeTYIjb5pKewpxld3upqIqo rYdqtoZiZenYo1qIp5KkyOWQWoiV
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