Cordell Al Vadrian

Village chief of Evreux, Knight of the Order of Denar

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Armorial Cordell Al Vadrian

Cordell Al Vadrian

Cordell Al Vadrian

Born on 1725188992

Village chief of Evreux, Knight of the Order of Denar

Heirs: Wilma Al Vadrian: Commander of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Armance Al Vadrian: Commander of the Order of Ancients and Mines, Village chief of Rouen, Valandilland and Rogue, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Denar, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Tywin Al Vadrian: Count of Eccléplusia, Lord mayor of Eccléplusia, Commander of the Order of Rulers and Denar, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Painters, Plumbers and Surveyors, Columbus Al Vadrian: Knight of the Order of Ancients, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants.

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