Ismene Baustark

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Armorial Ismene Baustark

Ismene Baustark

Ismene Baustark

Born on 1727345054

Heirs: Rares Baustark: Hamlet chief of Baustarkland.

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NTgyMGOld45lrZh8aXuNjppdn3OIb3VnZal4h2epjY51aZ+JjmucZYdtd1VpuGicZJqgh1d5mnyJ aI1lmY2VfFeoh3xku8nJn12ancOn2pR8aolkaqd7j1eqrKClpc3FvF2aYJmZuKOm1rXCV6qqfGR+ vamjXZ10fGpzp5PoaIli19fJoGaNiYs=
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