Santa von Klaus

Vidame of Klausland, Vicar of Gaunes, Commander of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Treasurer of East Klauston, Priest of Klausland, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Believers and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers

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Armorial Santa von Klaus

Santa von Klaus

Santa von Klaus

Born on 1728028717

Vidame of Klausland, Vicar of Gaunes, Commander of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Treasurer of East Klauston, Priest of Klausland, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Believers and Military Valour, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers

Heirs: Lawton von Klaus: President of the Union of Pitsawyers, Vicar of Gaunes, Mayor of East Klauston, Dean of East Klauston, Commander of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Priest of Ostklausville, Village chief of Ostklausville, Officer of the Order of Believers, Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar, Mines and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Military Valour, Member of the Saltpetre Producers and Gunpowder Manufacturers Society, Member of the Union of Alchemists, Zero von Klaus: Lord of Norklausland, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priest of Norklausland, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Rulers and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders, Denar, Military Valour and Merchants, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers, Edward von Klaus: Priest of Klausville, Village chief of Klausville, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Farklaus, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Denar, Member of the Saltpetre Producers Society, Member of the Union of Pitsawyers, Robot “Devil”: Lord of Robot's Hell, Priest of Robot's Hell, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Believers, Builders, Denar, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants.

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ODU1N3iHcZh7iY6Hfnh8mZxajraKbGuoeYxtknyKfJmKZo6VjmeMqIlqa5h+ml2neXyPkmx2iYeL Zavbvlpqo7PGqsa6v8DSbGeH0b9aiaN+anrImaNdlYt8iaiop8SHi3vG5cBaarl+jWyYd3yMppKh uNfMobjhvVpttWyJfreZo3yXi1qJksGWypiLZZrYqsalx2yJh8NsZ4fYuqjK1MVaaqO2vV2Ud8u/ x2xnh8TCqL/iyaeh1myJaNGtfImSbGqZt6uBfKadWmq5qMmlh3mdxtSuWomokGuKpJFabbeOuK3Q rMp8l4laiaiuh6OYjnlmmHmLaZKAi4ySflqOpX5smpiQeGmqeoxoknqJjZlsbJqTkGiMo4lpaKaA fG+lbJyJh39lfKOLWomjfmp6yJmjXZWLfImoqKfEh4t7w+LLmV2ljYtwln6MfJeLiLjQzZZ8pYmr p+FsiWits7jM1WxqmYeLe6zFpVptt2yJaMqoynyUd6XJ0byhuNzGmpyYeYegy7TKvM6tWomSqafA 2MypXaV3xp6HeYd8l4mKqa5+aJuYi3uZ5bR8aqi2yb6HeXuOmpFpjZiOeYPfqMyrzqjFu4d8d3yU n4qpv35qfKFsh3mHjIl8mndamJR+Z4fHwZpdpXfHmdSwyr+HeWXGyH5nh5iOd43Fk3xrpmyJncO5 onyUn6TJ2n5nfqp/j2yYbIybrbOWzNXFlsXXfmp6mHmdjbSTfIymbGeHyrqofKWJl53WtsSdh3mH uId5Zc3DzKi4335naOKtfGqSu7+8h3llx8PLnsrbfmdo4q18apJsjJm3mYF8lZ1aibm6p6WYeZ2n 1K58iah+bY6Yj1qMt56Wq+dsiWits7jM1bukxYeOd3yln4qKv2yMfJBsh5iHjGd8molamKV+Z2iY fJmNtJN8iqZsZ53Dy6J8pZ+hp+WrfGqoe4+LmXxajKaslsXnulpqo73Gpod5h6LOqKrKh453fKWf ioq/bIx8h3mHzsO6WomSx5bE2L1aaqOoyl2Ud6vJx6iozNS+p3yliaSemHmHXZeJrKmubGibh4t7 uOXGWmq5tsmfh3mdjph8aYeHjnmc1MypXaV3oqTDvMrL0bVajKR+Z53Iq4FdqIt8apKp0HyUd1qM pK6Ho5iMeV2ljbiqz2yJnc62p7uHi3uLq41uaJh8m4TDvsvG0Gxnh9jIo3yliYCk1LzKXZeJfImo nIejh455fKWPWmqme4tdlYl8iZKUltDRy1qJo8ibXaV3nJnVu3yJkpKhuNfMqcbhh1pqp3iHbZR3 i4iHfnh8mZxajraKbGqrd4lwmXiOfJmKZo6UkWWJq5BsaZh+ml2neXyPkmx2iYeLZXyom4qKv2yK fId5nbjUtFqJqMWkydd+Z36nf4tvl2yMm7Woo8vDfmeH6cijXaV3oqTDvMp8l4laiaiuh6OYjnld pXfOmdVsiYfEtqfFkH5lmJieZ12rd3x5lGyJh4d8d6y0pVqKt35nftS5xF2UjcPG1KtaiaiNbYuq jlptt5q4ptaofImSvaTFh4tlot+6qquYfJldlI2sqa5sapuHi2W/1MxaaqO3yafFs7jAz6yZfJSJ ncDgzJqk2WyJaKqoxMPHu1qJkrydwNi/Wmqjtr1dlHd8jKSch6OHjHl8pZ+WquBsiX7Rub58lI1s jZaPZXyonYCk1LzKpMO1u3yXiVqJqK6Ho5iOeWaYeYs=
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