Helia Black Blade

Priestess of Rithen, Village chief of Rithen, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Denar, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Shepherds

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Armorial Helia Black Blade

Helia Black Blade

Helia Black Blade

Born on 1730393260

Priestess of Rithen, Village chief of Rithen, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Denar, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Shepherds

Heirs: Federick “Señor de la Sangre”: President of the Union of Tanners, President of the Fur Producers Society, Marshall of Amethyn, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Builders, Military Valour and Mines, Priest of Canneroc, Village chief of Canneroc, Officer of the Order of Hunters, Denar, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Believers, Blessed, Merit, Feather of Cervantes and Military Wounded, Member of the Hare Hunters and Granite Quarries Society, Daniela “Corazón Pétreo”: Mayoress of Ettinmere, Commander of the Order of Ancients, Priestess of Rundamir, Village chief of Rundamir, Officer of the Order of Denar, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Hunters and Civilian Victims, Member of the Sheep Breeders Society, Member of the Union of Shepherds, Bertha Alicia “Alma Radiante”: President of the Deer Hunters Society, Commander of the Order of Civilian Victims, Priestess of Windemere, Village chief of Windemere, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Cuchilla Dorada and Cruz Dorada, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Member of the Marble Quarries and Elk Hunters Society, Malikos “El Brujo”: Count of Yshendra, President of the Sheep Meat Society, Peer of the realm of Amethyn, Mayor of Yolvan, Commander of the Order of Denar, Priest of Yolvan, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Rulers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Believers, Builders, Military Valour and Merchants.

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