Tiago Steel Lion

Village chief of Iron Lion, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Merchants

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Armorial Tiago Steel Lion

Tiago Steel Lion

Tiago Steel Lion

Born on 1731410892

Village chief of Iron Lion, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Merchants

Heirs: Chloe Steel Lion: Village chief of Rock Lion, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Cartographers, Denar and Merchants, Lara Steel Lion: Mayoress of Lionland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Diana Steel Lion: Lady of Lionland, Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Lionland, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Merit, Hamlet chief of Lionland and Stone Lion, Knight of the Order of Believers, Denar, War Cross, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Angelino Steel Lion: Lord of Fort Lion, Village chief of Wood Lion, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Denar and Mines.

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