Yasmin Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Wafi

Lady mayoress of Kitezh, Prioress of Mecca, Commander of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Denar and Mines, Member of the Union of Saddlers, Member of the Producers of Brandy, Saddle Makers and Shovel Manufacturers Society

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Armorial Yasmin Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Wafi

Yasmin Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Wafi

Yasmin Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Wafi

Born on 1733202889

Lady mayoress of Kitezh, Prioress of Mecca, Commander of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Cartographers, Denar and Mines, Member of the Union of Saddlers, Member of the Producers of Brandy, Saddle Makers and Shovel Manufacturers Society

Heirs: Alam Al-Din Al-Sahir Shukard Bu Ali Al-Awwal: Emir of Vizyria, Vice-mayor of Kitezh, Priest of Magmanus, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Merit, Denar and Feather of Pushkin, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers, Builders, Military Valour, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Undertakers, Shaila Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Qayoun: President of the Basalt Quarries Society, Commander of the Order of Mines, Officer of the Order of Denar, Hamlet chief of Blackrock and Deepwells, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Merit and Merchants, Abu Aldaw Al Iskandr Shukard Bin Alsahir Althaani: Mayor of Plum Bum, Commander of the Order of Merchants, Village chief of Magmanus, Officer of the Order of Merit, Denar, Mines and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Vanessey, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Member of the Sheep Milk Producers, Basket Makers and Charcoal Producers Society, Alkati Bint Al-Sahir Shukard Umm Khalab: Lady of Campo Militaría, Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Jelezariy, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Denar, Military Valour and Mines, Member of the Cow Breeders Society.

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