Wilbur Aleyn

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Armorial Wilbur Aleyn

Wilbur Aleyn

Wilbur Aleyn

Born on 1734137110

Heirs: Derick Aleyn: Lord of Secretariat, Village chief of Derby, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers, Merit and Hunters, Robert Aleyn: Village chief of Charbonnerlynd, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Blessed and Merit, Isabella Aleyn: Village chief of Whirlaway, Justify and Affirmed, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit, Denar, Mines and Civilian Victims, Lucette Aleyn: Dean of Secretariat, Priestess of Charbonnerlynd, Derby and Justify, Knight of the Order of Believers.

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