Sylvanas Reina Manca

Village chief of Ovejonia, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Mines

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Armorial Sylvanas Reina Manca

Sylvanas Reina Manca

Sylvanas Reina Manca

Born on 1734778723

Village chief of Ovejonia, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit and Mines

Heirs: Aurora Reina Manca: Village chief of Rinteln, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Mines, Jaime Reina Manca: Village chief of Söderhamn, Knight of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Sor Rita Memeus Reina Manca: Hamlet chief of Pingüinos, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Cartographers and Mines, Lucan Reina Manca: Hamlet chief of Amor, Knight of the Order of Cartographers.

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