Bebe Iniudicatus

Priestess of Bebite, Village chief of Bebite, Officer of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Hop Growers Society

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Armorial Bebe Iniudicatus

Bebe Iniudicatus

Bebe Iniudicatus

Born on 1734798927

Priestess of Bebite, Village chief of Bebite, Officer of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Hop Growers Society

Heirs: Ein Iniudicatus: Commander of the Order of Merit, Priest of Original, Village chief of Original, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Mines and Merchants, Juliana Iniudicatus: Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Juliase, Village chief of Juliase, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Eulogia Iniudicatus: Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Eulos, Village chief of Eulos, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Quintia Iniudicatus: Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Celeste, Village chief of Celeste, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Hamlet chief of Mulejanus, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Denar and Merchants.

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MTA2OXqBdYCChYJtgHlyf7dbhKalbXiafYZ8fXmGcn+MZ4R7q2qDmqlme4iAk2qNe3WFeG53f22m ZnKYtouXr26DiW17lq66tlt/juClv8eZaIuYeYN3f26FkYqumLJtpmaW0d2rqcyssbm9vHWCim5o k53GgnKYuFt3k7GxuG17gL26uJm5qd2jsseZaHXLrsK4rbW2cnp5hr+x2anByOepapV5v6tte4By fYuLn5SZaZGIpnym1bZ1d464wrRte3yFeKRogIipeofIq7m5rW6Fj217fKKawFuCp6Jbd5d6gXV7 gYR+bYB5cn+3W4SmpW14mX6BdX57gXJ/jGeEe6prfpOqaHaIgJNqjXt1hXhud39tpmahyOOatNay sWp6eZm7sb6atqvVqsLWmWh1zLx1d3i3v8Rte2a4tuOtu4imZqbWboJ1bX6SopqVW4CMmWiTxOaj apWPvLS6rXV/jn5mgHqrW4KntpunyG6CdZG3ucKsspmuvOmpcpi2W3epnqKRbX6Ue217an54rWmC matbfKZuh4htgJN+f3xqhYGlboGXmW2IlICDeYCCgYV8fVuEi5l7f4isZmqke3V3eG6Fj52bgnJ7 uFt/qdWosoh7lrG3u7Ryeo9rfXumbXKYuIqq0q2/uLGqdX94kqS2vdifsMToq7iIfpJqeo+ln5Ru a5Ftpma1xOdbd5O5wrSrtbG2ta6acnqknrLV55uxyW6CdZCqvbmtvVt/eNeetsjaW3eTuLZqenl1 goqeiJltp3pylbqXt9Bugou3u7dyeo9thX+na3KYuH+zzL60rquqxMK7tZe7rJlrj4imfJq1lXV6 jHd1f3x6ZoZ6q2+BiKt5apqMdXyLeoeAfIBvhYGmbXKat2d8ln2HfoCCgoRtgHlyjaZbhZOZd3eI e4BqfYuln5RuaZFtpnyu1eFbd6m1v7esboKTfXlpf3+Za5G32aWp0ry5pm17gJa2squxsdeXwdjn W3qlboKLnZuccn2NW39465fAiKZmp9K7vnNte4Q=
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